[Laser Optics] Thin-film Polarizers

페이지 정보

작성자 lvitech 댓글 0건 조회 3,866회 작성일 20-06-10 09:25


Thin Film Polarizers


Many different types of polarizers are available in the market, but only one is perfectly suitable for high power laser applications - Thin Film Polarizers. It is a component coated with dielectric multilayers with the main task to separate vertically polarized (s-pol.) from horizontally polarized (p-pol.) light. And Thin Film Polarizer completes this task with high level of efficiency due to negligible absorption within coating, transmittance (Tp) higher than 99% and reflectance (Rs) as high as 99.9%.
OPTOMAN will provide an optimal solution in terms of extinction ratio, angle of incidence and damage threshold. Ion-Beam Sputtering (IBS) technology enables us to manufacture polarizers with extinction ratio higher than 3000:1 at 45° angle of incidence, while maintaining >20 J/cm2 damage threshold (1064 nm, 10 ns, 100 Hz).


Extintion ratio higher than 3000:1.

The most typical value of extinction ratio we find in the market is 200:1. OPTOMAN aims for much higher values and reaches contrast of more than 3000:1! 

Angle of incidence 45°, 56°, 72°…

For effective and efficient adjustment OPTOMAN polarizers are designed at 45°. In this set-up laser beams are separated at 90°. For highest possible extintion rate we offer Brewster type polarizer, for ultrafast applications - at 72° angle.

Single wavelength and broadband polarizers within 350 - 1500 nm range.

OPTOMAN polarizers cover most popular laser lines from 350 nm up to 1500 nm. Broadband configurations for femtosecond applications are also feasible.

Reflectance Rs>99.95% and transmittance Tp>99% available

What matters the most in your application? Is it Tp transmittance or Rs reflectance? Or is it extinction ratio? OPTOMAN will optimize product exactly to your needs.

High Laser damage threshold

When polarizers are optimized for high damage threshold OPTOMAN assures >20 J/cm2 and >10 J/cm2 at 1064 nm, 10 ns, 100 Hz for s-polarized and p-polarized beams.

Custom design Custom
  • Single wavelength and broadband polarizers with 350 nm up to 1500 nm range.
  • Broadband configurations for femtosecond applications are also feasible.
  • Custom shapes, size and material of substrate.
  • Optimization for ultrafast applications.


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